The Writers College Times


Spotlight on Karen Jeynes – by Kyle Keegan

  Karen Jeynes is a well-known, award-winning playwright whose work includes “Laying Blame”, “sky too big”, “Don’t Mention Sex”, “Kiss

Rosemary Hepozden writing and grammar tutor at the Writers College

Spotlight on Rosemary Hepözden

Rosemary Hepözden has three decades of editing, writing and teaching experience. She is the author of three nonfiction books, and

How War Could Be

BY TRAVIS INGLIS I am in my hostel bed; it is morning, and I have not slept. Belgrade has turned

The Writer in the Closet

BY ELEANOR TALBOT I’ll be honest. I don’t really consider myself a writer. John Steinbeck is a writer. Cannery Row

freeing the writer within

Coaching the Writer Within

As all writers know, writing can be a solitary activity, so with creativity coaching you get to connect with someone

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