The Writers College Times

Why Locals Know Best in Travel Writing

Take your travel blogging from one-dimensional personal accounts to stories interwoven with local perspectives and authentic insights.  A candid scene

The Sickness of Wellness Blogs

  Self-professed experts have taken to running wellness blogs in their droves, all with cutesy names like Peanut Butter Fingers

best writing course, the writers college

Free Writing Contests at NZ Writers College

Writing contests for established writers are plentiful around the world. However, we believe in supporting beginner writers, so every year

Best Writing Advice: Do the Work

BY NOHLEE CLOETE On my mobile phone, I have a picture saved of the urban English word ’Rastrophiliopustrocity’. It has eight

The Writer in the Closet

BY ELEANOR TALBOT I’ll be honest. I don’t really consider myself a writer. John Steinbeck is a writer. Cannery Row

10 Travel Writing Tips Writers Must Know

Award-winning writers Julienne du Toit and Chris Marais have travelled the world side-by-side writing travel articles for more than 20

My Biggest Grammar Peeve

By Vuyolwethu Ndabambi I have decided to deactivate some of my social media platforms purely because people cannot write properly.

Tips for Writing: How to Stay Mediocre

A writer’s guide to avoiding self-improvement by staying in your comfort zone.  BY CLAYTON GRAY You’re an original writer, nay,

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