The Writers College Times

My Big Fat Regret

  BY LEONIE FOURIE   It was hot.  Mid-December in the Cape Winelands tends to be hot.  Your-clothes-stuck-to-your-butt kind of

Top 10 Web Writing Tips

By Lorraine Forrest-Turner   Much that’s written about writing for the web could equally be said of other mediums. I

Will Newspapers Be Ditched?

By Ilse Watson     Journalism will always exist, even though the platform (e.g. print, PC, laptop, iPad and mobile

How to Blog like a BOSS

  These 10 tips will have you writing like a pro in no time while also drawing traffic to your

How to Write Web Fiction that Works

Fiction and the Internet are strange bed-fellows. So how exactly do you construct a story that will get noticed amid

Is Memoir Writing a Form of Therapy?

People who want to write a memoir often compare the process of writing that memoir to therapy. They say things

Neuroses & Nirvana

BY DAVID WHITAKER   My first book was self-published. I wrote every word and illustrated it myself. I also cut

How to Master Flash Fiction Writing

Want to write really flash stories? Sharpen your skills with these tips and tricks for writing flash fiction. BY TRISH

Q&A with Crime Writer Michael Robotham

  Best-selling crime author, Michael Robotham, continues to make his mark in the fictional world of murder, mystery and twists.

How to Be a More Productive Writer

      The life of a freelance magazine journalist can be lonely. You are running your own business, playing

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