The Writers College Times

Motivational quotes for writers

For those days when you just want to give up, here is some comforting advice from leading writers and artists

Rosemary Hepozden writing and grammar tutor at the Writers College

Spotlight on Rosemary Hepözden

Rosemary Hepözden has three decades of editing, writing and teaching experience. She is the author of three nonfiction books, and

HAYMAKER – by Clinton Matos

    Well, it’s all about power, isn’t it? That’s where and why my life intersects the here and how

How War Could Be

BY TRAVIS INGLIS I am in my hostel bed; it is morning, and I have not slept. Belgrade has turned

Travel Writing From Home

Overseas adventures face an uncertain future after the COVID-19 pandemic. ANDREW EARL-PEACOCK explores ways you can keep your inner wanderer

writing courses at the writers college

Best Writing Advice: Find Your Voice

BY SANDY KLINE When I was a beginner writer, so many books and teachers urged me to “find my voice”

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