It’s pretty alarming how New Year’s resolutions can dash into hiding the minute we’re back at work, and back into the routine of work, eat, sleep, repeat.

Our genuine aspirations on 1 January – to break through writing barriers, to be more productive, proactive and brave – often quickly turn into vague memories by the 31st.

Before you’re lulled into complete complacency around tackling those writing assignments, here are eight articles from the gurus to fire up those writing dreams.


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Motivation – How to Achieve Any Goal – by Leo Babauta
  2. How To Achieve your Writing Goals – by Nichola Meyer
  3. 25 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself – by Henrik Edberg
  4. Golden Rules of Goal-setting
  5. Motivate Yourself To Write After Rejection Letters – by Sabine A. Reed
  6. Motivation Tips that Actually Work: 6 Sure-Fire Ways To Get Writing and Keep Writing – by Mary Jaksch
  7. Self-Motivation: how to motivate yourself – by Donald Lahutamina
  8. 7 Steps to motivate yourself


Break through your Writing Barriers Programme


And if reading articles doesn’t quite work for you and you’re yearning for a break-through in your writing habits, consider signing up for our course “Breaking through your writing barriers” – an 8-week programme with AWAW* facilitator Sally Mazak.

Contact us for the course programme.

*After the publication of The Artists’ Way, Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan, with Catherine Allen, wrote the best-seller The Artists’ Way at Work: a twelve-week programme to help people work more creatively and effectively. Creativity coach Sally Mazak is a qualified AWAW facilitator.

Photo credit: flickr.com_Xelcise